The Chapel of the Climats and terroirs

The Chapel of the Climats and terroirs

Visiteurs de l'exposition la Chapelle des Climats et des Terroirs

A unique setting

The Grande Chapelle of the general hospital has begun a new life and invites you into an immersive world entirely devoted to the region’s viticultural and gastronomic heritage.

A rich wine-growing heritage

Discover the Climats of Bourgogne, a landscape shaped by the hand of man and a model of terroir-based viticulture that has become famous throughout the world. Examine their geological and climatic features. Admire the models of the « cabottes » (huts) and low walls that punctuate the mosaic of vineyard plots. Discover the etymology of the names of these plots and the wines that come from them.

The terroirs of Burgundy-Franche-Comté

Share the enthusiasm of those involved in saving and promoting a savoir-faire that has been passed on from generation to generation.
Then, explore the fine produce, gastronomic celebrities and emblematic recipes that have made Bourgogne-Franche-Comté an exceptional place for all who love fine food and wine.

Did you know?

Behind the elegant façade of the Grande Chapelle lies an astonishing history! At the heart of Dijon’s former general hospital, it housed a ward built in 1504. In 1842, it was decided to convert it into a place of worship adapted to the hospital’s needs. It now houses an exhibition space.

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